CUSTOMER NOTICE: Manor Park Library is temporarily closed until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Nearest libraries to Manor Park are East Ham, E6 2RT and Forest Gate, E7 0QH



For detailed Library information, please go to Find a Library | Libraries | Newham Libraries link or click on the Library name.

Please be aware the Fines amnesty will be coming to an end on 31st March. Please remember to always renew or return items on or before their due dates to avoid overdue fines.  For change to fines, please click 'Fees and Charges 2024'

All our libraries provide residents with a great selection of books, activities and support. 


Spring/Summer 2024 opening hours as of April 2nd

Branch Monday to Saturday Sunday
Beckton 10am to 8pm Closed
Canning Town 9am to 8pm Closed
Custom House

Mon, Tue, Thu and Sat 10am to 6pm

Wed and Fri closed

East Ham 9am to 8pm 12pm to 4pm
Forest Gate 9am to 8pm Closed
Green Street 10am to 8pm Closed
Manor Park Temporarily closed Closed
North Woolwich 9.30am to 5.30pm Closed

Mon, Tue, Sat 9.30am to 5.30pm / Wed & Fri  9.30am to 5pm

Thu 1pm to 8pm

Stratford 9am to 8pm 12pm to 4pm