Book a venue in Newham

Browse a variety of venues and book rooms and halls available at our community centres and libraries for parties, meetings, conferences and memorable events.


All venues Price and Capacity list - Downloadable PDF 

To Book, please contact/make a booking via the venue options below.


Information and terms of hire


Venue hire terms and conditions.


For bookings at Council operated venues, special rates are available for approved Start-up, Faith and Community groups.

To apply and find out if you’re eligible, use the online forms links below.


  • A 10% discount will also be applied for block bookings of eight or more consecutive weeks. If you would like to make an ongoing booking, please contact your local Community Neighbourhood team. 
  • A £50 refundable deposit fee must be paid for hiring a meeting room or £250 for hiring a hall.  


Community group application form (will open in new window) 

Community Hire 
• An organisation registered with the Charities Commission, or in the process of becoming registered, and the proposed activity/events delivers Newham’s ‘Towards a Better Newham’ priorities, specifically those laid out in the 8 pillars and/or local neighbourhood priorities 
• A voluntary, resident or community group that is delivering an activity/event, which delivers Newham’s ‘Towards a Better Newham’ priorities, specifically those laid out in the 8 pillars and/or local neighbourhood priorities 
• An organisation who does not charge participants to join their group or session on the day of booking


Start-up group application form (will open in new window) 

Start-Up Hire (only available for 12 months) 
• A group or organisation that meets the requirements for community hire but has existed for less than 12 months 
• A group or organisation that meets the requirements for community hire but are piloting a new activity 
• An organisation who does not charge participants to join their group or session on the day of booking


Faith group application form (will open in new window) 

Faith Hire 
• Where the purpose of the room hire involves communal worship, prayer, act or celebration of faith and / or where there is a congregation that marks a significant religious event / festival. 
• This does not include private celebrations / parties aligned to a religious life event which will be charged at the private rate. 


If you are looking for somewhere to hire in Newham which is approved for civil marriages or partnership ceremonies, go to the Civil marriage and partnerships venue licence page.