




Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 


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Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is an illustrated collection of more than 57,000 specially written biographies of the men and women from around the world who shaped all aspects of Britain's past.




Oxford Dictionaries


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To access the site, click on the logo or the heading and then type NEW (in Upper case) followed by your library card number without a space e.g. NEW008001234567 or NEW91095864


For practical help or advice on how to use English in writing and speaking today, then Oxford Dictionaries will provide the information you need. The dictionary content in Oxford Dictionaries focuses on current English and includes modern meanings and uses of words. Where words have more than one meaning, the most important and common meanings in modern English are given first, and less common and more specialist or technical uses are listed


Oxford Language Dictionaries Premium


How it works

To access the site, click on the logo or the heading and then type NEW (in Upper case) followed by your library card number without a space e.g. NEW008001234567 or NEW91095864


Oxford Language Dictionaries Premium Online offers fully searchable online access to Oxford's top-of- the-range, unabridged bilingual dictionaries in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian; plus unique online resources for language learning.